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Phra Natthanapol Kosathammo (Khawnoo)


The objectives of the research were 1) to study the level of People’s attitudes towards management according to the four Sublime States of mind of Sanchat Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Changhan District, Roi Et province. It is at a high level, both overall and individually, satisfaction is at a high level. 2) To compare People’s attitudes towards management according to the four Sublime States of mind of Sanchat Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Changhan District, Roi Et province. classified by village 3) To suggest People’s attitudes towards management according to the four Sublime States of mind of Sanchat Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Changhan District, Roi Et province.  The sample group is the sample group, which is Saenchat Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Changhan District, Roi Et Province. A total of 9 villages were divided into administrative areas, with a random sample of 346 people. The data collection tool used a 5-level estimation scale questionnaire, the statistics used in the research, including frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, F-test, variance analysis, and comparison of differences between means.

The results showed that: 1) The level of People’s attitudes towards management according to the four Sublime States of mind of Sanchat Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Changhan District, Roi et province. It is at a high level, both overall and in each aspect. This may be because the Saenchat Subdistrict Administrative Organization has performed its operations based on the four Brahma Viharas, namely Metta, Kura, Mutita, and Upekkha, thus helping people in the area to be treated well.  and satisfaction until the attitude is at a high level. 2) To compare People’s attitudes towards management according to the four Sublime States of mind of Sanchat Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Changhan District, Roi et province. classified by village, it was found that people living in different villages. The attitude of the people towards the management according to the Four Sublime States of Mind of Saenchart Sub-district Administration Organization, Changhan District, Roi Et Province, differed both overall and in each aspect, statistically significant at the level of 0.05. 3) To suggest People’s attitudes towards management according to the four Sublime States of mind of Sanchat Sub-district Administrative Organization, Changhan District, Roi et province. found that to suggest guidelines Management Planning Treatment of visitors to guide visitors with care to the public.

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How to Cite
Kosathammo (Khawnoo), P. N., & Phrakrukittiwarathorn. (2024). PEOPLE’S ATTITUDES TOWARDS MANAGEMENT ACCORDING TO THE FOUR SUBLIME STATES OF MIND OF SANCHAT SUBDISTRICT ADMINISTRATIVE ORGANIZATION, CHANGHAN DISTRICT, ROI ET PROVINCE. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 13(1), 335–346. Retrieved from
Research Article


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