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Surachai Chukong
Phra Thanawut Sanakulchai
Boonchiuay Kittiwichayakul
Kraisorn Dessimma
Boonpeng Sittivongsa


The objectives of this research are 1) to study the application of innovations to improve people's quality of life according to the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy in the upper northeastern region 2) to study the factors influencing the application of innovations to develop people's quality of life according to the philosophy. Sufficiency Economy in the Upper Northeastern Region 3) To study the application of innovation to improve people's quality of life according to the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy in the Upper Northeast Region by quantitative and qualitative research The sample groups used in this research are: There are 400 people eligible to vote in the upper northeastern region and 20 people from the group giving information in interviews Statistics used in research include: Using frequency distribution statistics, percentage values, and standard deviations Multiple regression analysis using a hierarchical variable selection method. Selective descriptive data analysis and classify information Organize information systematically Prepare data editors and analyze data Then take the information and write it into a report according to the objective.

The results of the research found that 1) The application of innovations to improve people's quality of life according to the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy in the upper northeastern region was overall at a moderate level, arranged in descending order. can be as follows: Strengthening media and public relations, joint coordination, and promoting folk wisdom, respectively 2) Factors that influence the application of innovations to improve people's quality of life according to the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy in the upper northeastern region. Overall, it was found that assistance from partners in the (X3) network Local roles (X2) and government support (X5) The coefficients of the predictors in the raw scores (b) were .425, .164, and -.411, respectively and 3) there should be coordination with other related works to proceed in a systematic manner. The government sector should coordinate with local agencies; farmers should coordinate with networks of all sectors to provide assistance. And community leaders should coordinate with relevant agencies to provide assistance with innovation Local wisdom must be used to integrate with innovation to promote innovation and local wisdom to seriously develop the quality of life of the community. By using innovation combined with concrete theoretical principles by using public relations media technology to develop the quality of life of the community and government agencies should seriously apply innovations in public relations communications to develop the quality of life of communities.

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How to Cite
Chukong, S., Sanakulchai, P. T., Kittiwichayakul, B., Dessimma, K., & Sittivongsa, B. (2024). GUIDELINES FOR APPLYING INNOVATION TO IMPROVE PEOPLE’S QUALITY OF LIFE ACCORDING TO THE SUFFICIENCY ECONOMY PHILOSOPHY IN THE UPPER NORTHEASTERN REGION. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 13(1), 544–555. retrieved from
Research Article


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