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Sunisa Suwannachai
Naphaporn Woranetsudathip
Puttachat Chumwangwapee


The purposes of the study were to 1) study problem-solving skill of Prathomsuksa 3 students in mathematics class based on Polya, 2) study students’ learning achievement towards Constructivist learning environment, and 3) study students’ opinions on learning environment management on lesson, media, and environment design. The target group was 38 Prathomsuksa 3 students of Khon Kaen University Demonstration Elementary School (Suksasart). The tools used were learning environment based on Constructivist Theory, achievement test in learning environment with 4-multiple choice and 30 items based on Constructivist Theory, and questionnaire on learning environment based on Constructivist Theory including 1) lesson learned detail, 2) interesting and accessible media, 3) environment design, problem situation, lesson objective. The data was analyzed in qualitative and quantitative methods and the statistics used were average ad percentage presented in table and description.

The findings of the study revealed as follows: 1) The result of employing Constructivist learning environment emphasizing on learning mathematics problems of Prathomsuksa 3 students showed that the result of pre-test and post-test of the students were at 20.29 and 23.97 respectively in which pre-test and post-test were statistically different at a 0.5 level of significant. 2) The result of employing achievement test in learning environment showed that there were 37 students (97.38%) who passed the test. 3) The result of questionnaire was appropriate in which there were 94% from the media, 92% from the lesson learned, and 86% from the environment design. The recommendation was declared that well-planned learning environment helped students learn contentedly and search for interesting information by themselves at anywhere and anytime, as well as communicate to their counselor through the platform called EDULEARN which could recognize complex details and solve the problem systematically.

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How to Cite
Suwannachai, S., Woranetsudathip, N., & Chumwangwapee, P. (2024). THE STUDY OF RESULTS OF LEARNING ENVIRONMENT BASED ON CONSTRUCTIVISM TO PROMOTE GRADE 3 STUDENTS’ PROBLEM SOLVING IN MATHEMATICS. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 13(1), 571–580. Retrieved from
Research Article


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