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Supansa Thiampasit


The objectives of this research article are (1) to study perceptions influencing virtual reality technology (2) to study virtual reality technology influencing Thailand's tourism business in the future. The population used in this research is Thai tourists. The sample group was determined according to the concept of Sumacker and Lomax. The sample group was 400 people by simple random sampling (Simple Random) and analyzed the data by descriptive statistics such as frequency, mean, standard deviation. and test the hypothesis with statistics Multiple regression analysis.

The results showed that 1. Perception that influenced virtual reality technology was at a high level, found that 81.4 percent (R2 = 0.814) was statistically significant (p value = <0.000). 2. Virtual reality technology that will influence the Thai tourism business in the future was found at 87.4 percent (R2 = 0.874) with statistical significance (p value = <0.000). From this research, it helps to know the application of virtual reality technology to tourist attractions by doing research by making users feel like they are in real tourist attractions and able to interact with tourist attractions.

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How to Cite
Thiampasit, S. (2024). VIRTUAL TECHNOLOGY THAT WILL INFLUENCE THE THAI TOURISM BUSINESS IN THE FUTURE. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 13(1), 642–650. Retrieved from
Research Article


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