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Apisara Chumsaeng
Thitirat Laokhompruttajan
Nutdanai Kaewponngam


This research aimed to 1) study the economic problems of the elderly, 2) study the factors that promote the elderly's career, and 3) study the guidelines for promoting the elderly's career in the Na Siao Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Mueang District, and Chaiyaphum Province. It was mixed-method research between quantitative and qualitative research. The sample group used in the quantitative research was community leaders, village heads, village health volunteers, subdistrict administrative organizations, and the elderly chairman, totaling 362 people. The sample group used in the qualitative research was purposively selected, totaling 10 people. The research instruments were questionnaires and interview forms. The statistics used for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, multiple regression analysis using the hierarchical variable selection method, and content analysis.

The research results found that: 1) the economic problems of the elderly in Na Siao Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Mueang District, Chaiyaphum Province (overall) were at a moderate level. 2) The factors promoting the elderly's careers in Na Siao Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Mueang District, and Chaiyaphum Province were at a moderate level overall. It was found that the factor of interest in engaging in a career (X2), the factor of participation in engaging in a career (X1), and the factor of receiving support for engaging in a career (X4) had predictive coefficients in the raw scores (b) equal to .322, .249, and .074, respectively. 3) The guidelines for promoting the elderly's careers were as follows: (1) other agencies should have important principles and systems for economic problems. (2) Create jobs for the elderly sustainably. (3) Allocate a budget for operations. (4) The network should promote a budget fund to support promotion activities. (5) Solve problems and promote careers. Manage the elderly registration system. Listen to opinions and use the results for improvement and development. (6) Community leaders are proactive about economic problems and care about the happiness and suffering of the elderly. (7) Campaign for problems. Build confidence in solving problems (8) have guidelines for developing economic problems of the elderly (9) support and promote the elderly to solve their economic problems in a tangible way (10) have various projects organized according to the policy on solving economic problems of the elderly every year and (11) the government should promote budgets through local agencies to manage and solve economic problems of the elderly in order to benefit the elderly.

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How to Cite
Chumsaeng, A., Laokhompruttajan, T., & Kaewponngam, N. (2024). GUIDELINES FOR PROMOTING CAREERS FOR THE ELDERLY IN THE NA SIAO SUBDISTRICT ADMINISTRATIVE ORGANIZATION AREA MUEANG CHAIYAPHUM DISTRICT CHAIYAPHUM PROVINCE. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 13(2), 514–526. Retrieved from
Research Article


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