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The objectives of this research 1) to study the level of innovative leadership of school administrators 2) to compare the levels of innovative leadership of school administrators, classified by position, education level and work experience, and 3 to collect recommendations for innovative leadership of school administrators 3) The sample group consisted of 313 school administrators and teachers. The research tool was a 5-point scaled questionnaire. The Statistics used were frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation, t-test and F-test.
The results show that: The innovative leadership of school administrators overall, it was at a high level. 2) The comparison of opinion levels towards the innovative leadership of school administrators, classified by position, overall was not different. By each aspect, it was found that the vision of change was not different. Other than that, the difference was statistically significant at the .05 level. 3) Recommendations on Innovative leadership of school administrators, it was found that school administrators should clearly specify the school’s vision for the operation, there should be a clear timeline, school administrators should promote knowledge transfer and exchange of knowledge, internal relations activities, appropriate scope of authority should be assigned to personnel and responsibilities were clearly divided, school administrators should promote the new innovations creation to be used in management, teachers should be encouraged to have a variety of options for developing their work to cause innovation, new creativity in practice, school administrators should provide training for personnel in the use of information technology, Teachers should be encouraged to innovate in the form of research and a risk management committee should be established, reporting on the progress of performance of risk according to the school’s scheme, action plans should be developed to create and understanding to teachers in schools.
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