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The purposes of this study aimed to 1) investigate the current conditions, desirable conditions and the necessary needs of transformational leadership of educational institution administrators under the Buriram Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 and 2) develop transformational leadership programs for educational institution administrators under the Buriram Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. The research was a research and development method, divided into 2 phases: Phase 1 was a study of the current condition desirable condition and needs of the transformational leadership of educational institution administrators. The sample group included educational institution administrators and teachers under the Buriram Primary Educational Service Area Office 2, a total of 359 people were obtained through a stratified random sampling method. Phase 2 was developing transformational leadership programs for educational institution administrators. The group of informants included 3 educational institution administrators with Best Practice by specific selection. The instruments used to collect data were questionnaires, semi-structured interviews and the assessment of suitability and possibility of the program. The statistics used for analyze data were percentage, mean, standard deviation and PNI.
The research results revealed that: 1. Current condition of transformational leadership of educational institution administrators Overall and each aspect was a high level. The aspect with the highest average value was the aspect of stimulating the use of intelligence and the aspect of considering individuality. which had the same average. As for the desired conditions of transformational leadership of educational institution administrators overall and each aspect was the highest level. The aspect with the highest average was the aspect of considering individuality. And the necessary needs for strengthening the transformational leadership of school administrators in order of importance from highest to lowest include having influence with ideology. inspiration Consideration of individuality and stimulating the use of intelligence, respectively 2. The Program to Enhance Transformational Leadership of School Administrators under Buriram Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 consists of principles, objectives, content, classified into 4 modules, there was Module 1 Ideological influence, Module 2 Inspiration, Module 3 Consideration of individuality, and Module 4 Stimulation of intellectual use. The method of operation is carried out according to the concept of 70:20:10, including training, study visits. and operating meeting and evaluation which has been assessed for suitability and feasibility by experts at the highest level.
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