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The purposes of this study aimed to 1) investigate the current conditions, desirable conditions and the necessary needs for Early Childhood Teacher Competency Strengthening of Active Learning Management for educational institutions under Buriram Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 and 2) Design and evaluate Early Childhood Teacher Competency Strengthening Program of Active Learning Management under the Buriram Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. The research is a combined method research, divided into 2 phases: Phase 1 was a study of the current condition desirable condition and needs for Early Childhood Teacher Competency Strengthening of Active Learning Management. The sample group included educational institution administrators and early childhood teachers under the Buriram Primary Educational Service Area Office 2, a total of 248 people were obtained using a stratified random sampling method. Phase 2 Design and evaluate a program to strengthen early childhood teacher competency in active learning management. The group of informants included 3 early childhood teachers who were role models in active learning management and 5 experts in education by purposive selection. The instruments used to collect data were questionnaires, semi-structured interviews and the assessment of suitability and possibility of the program. The statistics used to analyze the data were percentage, average, standard deviation and PNI.
The research results revealed that:1. The overall current conditions of active learning management was at a high level. The overall desirable conditions were at the highest level. As for the Necessity Index, it was found that the area with the highest Necessity Index was the organization of learning activities that focused on the learner, second is the design of learning activities. And using media and technology in learning management, respectively. As for measuring and evaluating learning development It has the lowest need index value. 2. Program to strengthen early childhood teacher competency in active learning management for educational institutions under Buriram Primary Educational Service Area Office 2, it consists of 1) principles, 2) objectives, 3) content and activities; divided into 4 modules: Module 1 designing learning activities, Module 2 organizing learning activities that focus on learners, Module 3 Using media and technology in learning management and Module 4 Measuring and evaluating learning development 4) Development methods include self-learning through actual practice, Professional Learning Community (PLC) and workshops and 5) evaluation, consisting of evaluating one's own knowledge and understanding Before and after development, Assessment of ability to organize active learning activities and evaluating the satisfaction of development participants. The results of evaluating the appropriateness and feasibility of the programs were at the highest level in both items.
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