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Phrakhru Piyathammawat Sandadhammo (Sangvesh)
Phramaha Paitoon Siridhammo


The purposes of this research are 1) to study the potentiality of Buddhist monks teaching morality in schools of Thailand 2) to study the state of Buddhist monks teaching morality in Pho Tak District, Nongkhai Province, 3) to propose the guideline for developing the potentiality of the Buddhist monks teaching morality in schools in Pho Tak District, Nongkhai Province. This is qualitative research by studying documents and interviews. Data analysis was done using descriptive analysis.

           the results of research are found that: 1. The development of the potentiality of Buddhist monks teaching morality in schools of Thailand is found that to provide the conference for planning to designate the policy and to make understanding related to carry out the projects clearly by leading the policy to the practice and encourage the learners to develop continuously and regularly and to encourage the Buddhist monks teaching morality to take responsibility for teaching the principle of Buddhadhama, to support the fund for providing activities and evaluation both learning and teaching and Buddhist activities both teachers and students and to support the fund for improving the learning and teaching to be sufficient and thoughtful for students’ learning. 2. The state of the Buddhist monks teaching morality in schools in Pho Tak District  is found that in the aspect of teaching the Buddhist subjects in accordance with the basic of educational curriculum, it lacks the integration of teaching media with the teaching contents. In the aspect of leading the students to practicing meditation, the Buddhist monks still lack of knowledge and ability to motivate students and the atmosphere in practicing is not ready and the sounds interrupt meditation practice. Teachers lack of teaching technique to be able to motivate students. In the aspect of teaching or reviewing Dhamma education for students, the teachers have limitation of the length of time in learning, mostly, the schools provide the subject for the Buddhist monks to teach only one period for each week. While in the aspect of integrative teaching with the daily life, the development of teaching media is not modern, that is, lack of interesting, integration of other teaching medias to apply for teaching. 3. The way to develop the potentiality of the Buddhist monks teaching the morality in schools in Phon Tak District, Nongkhai Province is found that the aspect of Buddhist subject in accordance with the curriculum of the basic education should integrate the teaching medias with contents that are taught in compliance with curriculum. in the aspect of leading students to practice meditation, the teachers should provide teaching plan and provide activities for students’ practice continuously in order to create the motivation and teaching atmosphere. In the aspect of teaching or reviewing Dhamma education for students, the schools should provide the increasing time for teaching to be suitable by using new modern teaching. In the aspect of teaching Buddhist subject integrated with daily life, teachers should prepare themselves for teaching increasingly and developing various teaching medias by agreeable with learners and teaching contents.


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How to Cite
Sandadhammo (Sangvesh), P. P., Phrakruchirathamthat, & Siridhammo, P. P. (2024). A STUDY OF GUIDELINE IN DEVELOPING THE POTENTIALITY OF THE BUDDHIST MONKS TEACHING MORALITY IN SCHOOLS IN PHO TAK DISTRICT, NONGKHAI PROVINCE. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 13(2), 356–365. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/AJMBU/article/view/277841
Research Article


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