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Xing Shang
Ao Chen


This research is orientated at exploration. Based on Thai culture and food habits, we are analyzing
extent of consumers accept Chinese Sichuan Hotpot in Thailand and their particular needs. We are using
semi-structured interviewing method .19 respondents are interviewed face to face, individually and
deeply by making semi-structured interview outlines. All first-hand information are collected, then through
data coding and many steps of analysis , finally we got 13 factors affecting consumers purchasing process
of Sichuan Hotpot in Thai market: Chinese food culture background, friends, personal food taste, atmosphere,
distance, price, taste, dish, decoration, hygiene, time slot, service and information channel. We need to
notice that Chinese food culture has strong effect for Chinese and Thai customers if they are choosing
Sichuan Hotpot. Chinese customers mostly care about price, distance, dish and taste; Thai customers care
about taste, Chinese decoration, friends and hygiene more. But even same factors for different customers
have different explanations.

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How to Cite
Shang, X., & Chen, A. (2019). A STUDY OF FACTORS AFFECTING CONSUMERS PURCHASING CHINA SICHUAN HOT POT IN THAILAND. Chinese Journal of Social Science and Management, 1(2), 48–64. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/CJSSM/article/view/178589
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