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Junyong Huang


          Guizhou is a province with tourism as its pillar industry. This paper mainly studies how to shape a good image of tourism destination to promote the expansion of ASEAN tourism market. In the research process, quantitative analysis method, questionnaire survey method and exploratory factor analysis method are mainly used. The questionnaire survey was carried out in 40 major scenic spots in Guizhou province and 497 valid questionnaires were recovered successfully, which provided important data guarantee for the research. Through exploratory factor analysis and empirical analysis, the main influencing factors of Guizhou tourism destination image are explored. Based on the Four-vein Theory, the paper studies the main influencing factors of Guizhou’s tourism destination image, which is, the geographical factors, the cultural factors, the interpersonal factors and the commercial factors of Guizhou. Therefore, this paper believes that in order to build a competitive ASEAN Tourism Brand, Guizhou needs to make efforts to build a good image of Guizhou as a tourism destination in terms of transportation facilities, personnel exchanges, cultural exchanges, business environment and marketing strategies.

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How to Cite
Huang, J. (2019). STUDY ON THE TOURISM DESTINATION IMAGE OF GUIZHOU AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF ASEAN TOURISM MARKET. Chinese Journal of Social Science and Management, 3(2), 75–89. Retrieved from
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