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Caijun Lin


          Based on the idioms used in 400 test papers of third and fourth-grade students of the School of Sinology at Mae Fah Luang University, we used corpus linguistics research methods to investigate and analyze the errors in the acquisition of Chinese three-syllable idioms by intermediate and advanced Thai university students. The research results found that the overall error rate of students acquiring three-syllable idioms was not high, and the overall acquisition effect was relatively satisfactory. The types of errors they learned in three-syllable idioms were diverse but concentrated, mainly due to syntactic errors, especially in the use of parts of speech of idioms. The causes of the errors included internal and external causes. Finally, this research put forward corresponding teaching suggestions for the teaching of Chinese three-syllable idioms for intermediate and advanced Thai university students.

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How to Cite
Lin, C. (2020). THE ERROR ANALYSIS OF CHINESE THREE-SYLLABLE IDIOMS BY THAI INTERMEDIATE AND ADVANCED LEVEL LEARNERS. Chinese Journal of Social Science and Management, 4(2), 69–84. retrieved from
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