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Pingzhen Wu
Ao Chen


This paper adopts the empirical research method, taking Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Guizhou provinces as the main research objects, and organizes and analyzes the survey data of 520 employees through the analysis methods of reliability, validity, correlation and regression. The effects of corporate culture and tacit knowledge sharing behavior on employee innovation performance are discussed and a relational model is constructed. The results show that corporate culture has a positive impact on employee innovation performance; the four dimensions of corporate culture have a positive impact on employee innovation performance, and tacit knowledge sharing behavior plays a mediating role. Based on the research findings, practical suggestions related to corporate management are put forward, and a summary and the outlook of the research trends of corporate culture are provided.

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How to Cite
Wu, P., & Chen, A. (2024). THE RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN CORPORATE CULTURE, TACIT KNOWLEDGE SHARING BEHAVIOR AND EMPLOYEE INNOVATION PERFORMANCE. Chinese Journal of Social Science and Management, 8(2), 241–257. Retrieved from
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