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Fei Wu
Xiaoming He


With the rise and development of online shopping and social media, a large number of user generated online word-of-mouth affect the purchase behavior of consumers. Based on the Technology Acceptance Model, attribution theory and Elaboration Likelihood Model, this paper analyzes the mechanism of online word-of-mouth on the purchase intention of new products from the perspective of consumers, and on this basis, examines the intermediary role of perceived innovation and the regulatory role of consumer innovation. In this study, 408 data samples were collected, and structural equation model was used to test the hypothesis. The results show that: online word-of-mouth has a significant positive impact on consumers’ perceived innovation and purchase intention; perceived innovation plays a part of intermediary role in the relationship between online word-of-mouth and purchase intention; consumer innovation positively regulates the impact of perceived innovation on consumers’ purchase intention. Finally, the contribution of the model in theory and practice and the future research direction are given.

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How to Cite
Wu, F., & He, X. (2022). THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ONLINE WORD-OF-MOUTH, PERCEPTION OF INNOVATIVENESS AND PURCHASE INTENTION. Chinese Journal of Social Science and Management, 6(2), 80–95. Retrieved from
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