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Fan Mo
Qiyan Wu


American society in the mid-20th century witnessed a postmodern trend which had swept across almost every area of socio-culture sphere as philosophy, architecture, politics and literary criticism. Then fiction was no longer the privilege of literary elites, popular fiction became cultural commodity and the creation as well as development of its sub-genre, romance fiction demonstrated an obvious entertaining tendency. Reviewing the evolution from seductive fiction in the turn of 18th to 19th century to new women’s romance of 20th century, American romance fiction unfolded a transition from the old to the new and a repetition from tradition to rebellion in pre- and post-1960s when gothic romantic fiction, sweet-and-savage romance, and new women’s romance came into being accordingly. This evolving process reveals more about the inheritance and continuity of creating tradition, whereas its attention to social rebellion evidently lags behind the development of times.

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How to Cite
Mo, F., & Wu, Q. (2021). INHERITANCE AND REBELLION OF AMERICAN ROMANCE FICTION IN THE CONTEXT OF POSTMODERN CULTURE. Chinese Journal of Social Science and Management, 5(2), 126–136. retrieved from
Academic Articles


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