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Aiting Cai
Wenquan Wu


Most of the existing research on teaching quality discusses the influencing factors of teacher-level factors and environmental factors. Based on the theory of social capital and the theory of social exchange, this paper explores the intermediary role of Chinese university teachers’ volunteerism between teaching input and teaching quality, and makes up for the influence and mechanism of teachers’ selfless volunteerism. Through the questionnaire survey, explore the relationship between the three variables. A total of 130 questionnaires were sent out and 122 valid questionnaires were collected, with a valid questionnaire ratio of 93.85%. The reliability and validity of the scale are up to the standard of academic research. The measurement tool was statistically counted as SPSS 24.0, and the research results were obtained by hierarchical multiple regression method: (1) Teaching input positively affects teaching quality; (2) Teaching input positively affects volunteerism; (3) Volunteerism positively affects teaching quality, and (4) Volunteerism has some mediator effect between teaching input and teaching quality.

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How to Cite
Cai, A., & Wu, W. (2021). THE MEDIATOR EFFECT OF CHINESE UNIVERSITY TEACHERS’ VOLUNTEERISM ON TEACHING QUALITY. Chinese Journal of Social Science and Management, 5(2), 100–110. retrieved from
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