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Ke Hu


In order to explore the relationship between team knowledge heterogeneity, team conflict and team performance in construction projects, based on the theoretical derivation, this paper proposes the research hypothesis, constructs the analysis model, and uses structural equation modeling to verify the relationship between the three areas. It was found that the knowledge heterogeneity of construction project teams is negatively correlated with team performance, the knowledge heterogeneity of construction project teams is positively correlated with task conflict and relationship conflict, relationship conflict plays a negative mediating role between team knowledge heterogeneity and team performance, and task conflict has no mediating effect between team knowledge heterogeneity and team performance. This paper also explores the overall mechanism of the heterogeneity of the explicit and tacit knowledge of team organization within the background of construction projects. Furthermore, it identifies the formation mechanism and law of task conflict risk and relationship conflict risk, reveals the dynamic evolution of task conflict in the operation and evolution process of team organization systems, expands the scope of the application of the theoretical basis of organizational behavior, and enriches the research findings in the field of organizational behavior.

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How to Cite
Hu, K. (2023). THE IMPACT OF KNOWLEDGE HETEROGENEITY OF CONSTRUCTION PROJECT TEAM ON TEAM PERFORMANCE—MEDIATED BY TEAM CONFLICT. Chinese Journal of Social Science and Management, 7(2), 180–196. retrieved from
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