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Ding Wang


With the introduction of China’s “Double Reduction” policy and a series of policies to support the development of the quality of arts education, social arts training has developed rapidly in the Chinese cultural industry market, and research on consumer behavioral intention in the social arts training market  can effectively enhance the development of the arts training industry. This study employed a literature analysis to construct a research model for the perceived value and behavioral intention of socials art training consumers with nine dimensions of perceived value in order to explore the relationships between the perceived value in each dimension and behavioral intention. The research shows that among the nine dimensions of perceived value, the values of aesthetic experience, aesthetic understanding, aesthetic expectation, aesthetic demand, aesthetic evaluation, and personnel and behavioral intention have significant positive impacts. However, the influence of the values of aesthetic perception, profit and loss, and service and behavior intention is not clear. This research on the relationship between consumers’ perceived value and behavioral intention provides significant specific theoretical guidelines for the development of the social arts training industry.

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