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In recent years, online celebrity live streaming has become an emerging marketing model, and rushed purchases online in live broadcast rooms are prone to be impulse purchases. In this research, based on the SOR marketing stimulus theory, a model of the influence mechanism of e-commerce internet celebrities on Chinese female consumers’ impulsive purchase intentions was constructed. Through a survey of 358 female consumers who have engaged in impulsive consumption during online celebrity live broadcasts, the survey data was analyzed using correlation analysis and regression analysis methods. It is found that e-commerce internet celebrities have a significant positive impact on both the impulse purchase of cosmetics and on consumer sentiment. In addition, consumer sentiment plays a complete mediating role between e-commerce internet celebrities and impulsive purchase intention, while consumer trust has a moderating role between e-commerce influencers and impulse purchase intentions. In the context of online celebrity live broadcasts, e-commerce platforms can increase discounts, enhance the capability of the presenters, mobilize the atmosphere of the live broadcast room, and increase fan interaction in order to cause female consumers to be in a highly positive and excited mood, which is conducive to consumers’ subsequent implementation of impulse buying decisions and provides corresponding suggestions for the marketing management of e-commerce enterprises.
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