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Qian Zou
Shichun Li


This paper takes the word “CU (粗)” as the research object, extracts sufficient corpus from the CCL corpus of Peking University, analyzes its sememe distribution in the real corpus and the prominent qualia roles of the corpus, and then according to the frequency of use, the semantic items of the word are reclassified and described. On the basis of the nine meanings in “Modern Chinese” (Seventh Edition), four new meanings were also found: “(surface) not smooth”, “courage, guts exceeding the routine or exceeding the object of comparison”, “breathing frequency and air volume exceeding the routine or exceeding the object of comparison” and “the style of the work or the character is bold and unconstrained”. In addition, according to the theory of qualia structure in the generative lexicon, the derivation relationship between the meaning items of “CU (粗)” is explained, which provides a new basis for the existing dictionary interpretation and optimizes some of the meaning items.

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How to Cite
Zou, Q., & Li, S. (2023). THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE WORD “CU” IN MODERN CHINESE BASED ON THE QUALIA STRUCTURE THEORY. Chinese Journal of Social Science and Management, 7(2), 135–147. retrieved from
Research Articles


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