ปัญหาในการดำเนินธุรกิจขนาดกลางและขนาดย่อม (SMEs) ประเภทไม้แกะสลัก กรณีศึกษาชุมชนบ้านถวาย อ. หางดง จ. เชียงใหม่


  • พิชิต เทพวรรณ์
  • ภารดัย สิงห์ใจ
  • ชลธิรศน์ สุนทรานนท์



The object of the research are: firstly to find out information of the wooden-handicraft firms in target area; secondly to look for 5 cooperative problems of those firms: i) finance and accounting, ii) marketing, iii) production, iv) administration and management, and v) human resource management. The experimental in consists of structured questionnaires with 220 firms. The data were analyzed by using frequent distribution, percentage arithmetic means and standard deviation via SPSS/PC+ program.

                The findings were as most of the firms belong to one owner, conduct the business by themselves as 74.2%, with less than 20 employeeห นพ 79.6% running business for approximately 3-10 years, having capital less than 1 million  bath as 92.8%, and being the member of Baan Tawai. Handicraft center as 45.9%. The entrepreneur have known the SMEs supportive organizations from newspapers and television advertisement and utilize the services from those or organizations as financial institutes and other in Chiang Mai.

                The problems of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) were in the medium level. Those problems could be ranked in priorities as flows: finance and accounting, marketing, productions, administration and management, and human resource management. Cause of the firms do not use services from government as it difficult to gain a chance and inadequate service from budget limitation.

                The important issue of finance and accounting problem was the limitation of capital raise that related to high interest rate. Moreover most of the firms did not know the sources of financial supportive institutes. Then they could not gain the services from these institutes.

                Marketing problem and price competition seemed to be the important issue. Because of similar products by those firms, it affected on the selling and pricing competition among those business groups.

                Production problem were in the medium level. Those are concerned about input factors ad raw material and production tools. Meanwhile materials and tools were also high cost. The other issue of this problem was technical knowledge of employee which it supports abreast of the times process and the ability of manpower that impacted on productive capacity.

                Administration and management problem related to planning and lacking of the entrepreneur knowledge. Most of the firms were in the family business type. They ran the business by learning from their experiences without management system.

                The main problem for human resource management were lacking of manpower, ability and capacity inadequateness. The efficient manpower resigned to the other firms or conduct their own business were also realized. In addition, most of the firms did not invest in manpower training and development.

                The solution of those problems were as flows:

                Finance and accounting problems, the financial supportive institutes should increase their loans to those firms while reduce the interest rates. In addition, government section should help those  firms by guarantee some of their loans.

                Marketing problems, the marketing strategies should be using the Loss Leader Pricing and the Special-event pricing such as sales on anniversary, New Year celebration, summer vacation and new branch opening.

                Production problem, overall production system should be improved and developed, and supply chain should be taken. Productive capacity from manpower ability were also necessary.

                Administration and management problem, the firms should have business plan in order to be supported by financial institutes. They also needed to increase their partner or shareholder to invest in the firms. The rise of strategic alliance was important to firm their business.

                Human Recourse Management problem, the training programs for those firms should be respond by business need. Moreover, training should be operated by the institutes within their religions in order to understand their problems deeply. Compensations system should depend on ability of manpower. The owners should also motivate them by offering good benefits and welfares.
