The research on factors affecting service satisfaction of the Social Security Office (SSO) in 2018


  • สุขุม พันธุ์ณรงค์ คณะเศรษฐศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม่


satisfaction, service provision, relationship analysis


               The research on factors affecting service satisfaction of the Social Security Office (SSO) in 2018 are (1) to analyze the satisfaction of service recipients in 2018 on the service of the Social Security Office, and (2) to analyze factors affecting service satisfaction of the SSO . It is a quantitative and qualitative research by using questionnaires as a tool to collect data from users of SSO distributes the sample according to the 142 branch, 22,356 service user. Statistics used to analyze the satisfaction of users is Likert Scale and to analyze factors affecting service satisfaction is regression analysis (Linear Regression Analysis).

               The results from the study showed that users are satisfied with the overall at the highest level (4.251 point). The service users rated satisfaction in the development of the service model via the internet system, the highest (4.631 point), followed by facilities (4.284 Point) and services of the staff (4.261 Point).  Service users in the big size of the SSO’s office are likely to be satisfied with the services less than the users in the small size of the SSO’s office.

                Regression analysis of factors affecting service satisfaction of SSO found that service satisfaction will increase if the service of the staff is improved, the confidence in morality and transparency is improved, user engagement is improved, processes and procedures for service is improved. While public relations and information effects on the satisfaction but with a relationship in the opposite direction.


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แนวคิดหลักการบริการ : กองวิชาการและแผนงาน กลุ่มงานวิจัยและประเมินผล เทศบาลนครเชียงใหม่ , จากสื่อออนไลน์อ้างอิง (Link)หลักการให้บริการ%20%20%20%206%20พ.ย.52chap41110604.pdf


