An analysis of economic conditions and income inequality of local fishermen in Pattani Bay
Pattani bay Local Fisheries, economic conditions, income inequalityAbstract
This research aimed to examine the financial status of regional fisheries in Pattani Bay, including production value, productivity, and income, cost, and profit from fishing. The study also examines the economic disparity among the neighborhood fishermen in Pattani Bay. A total of 336 samples were taken from fishing households in the Muang, Yaring, and Nong Chik districts, which are all located in the Pattani Bay region. The descriptive statistics and GINI coefficients were used to analyze the data. According to the study's findings, the majority of fishermen have a poor level of education, are of middle age, practice Islam, live in large households, and their primary occupation is fishing. The total catch volume was 2,619,826 kg, with a total value of 171,763,657 baht per year and a per capita income of 511,201.37 baht. Fixed and variable costs per capita are 46,914.74 baht and 300,408.84 baht per year, respectively, with an average net profit of 163,877.79 baht per year. Nong Chik District's fishing households had the highest average income per capita, average cost per capita, and net profit per capita. While Yaring District fishermen earn the lowest average income per capita, average cost per capita, and net profit per capita. The analysis of the income distribution inequality of fishing households in Pattani Bay discovered that income inequality was substantial. GINI coefficient equal to 0.68.The incomes of the 10% of households with the lowest incomes and the 10% of households with the greatest incomes differ by 83.22 times.
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