A Comparison of Entrepreneurial Learning Education


  • Charly Hongdiyanto Ciputra University


entrepreneurial, learning model, conceptual study, entrepreneur



The purpose of this research is to analyse and compare entrepreneurial learning model. By doing a comparison of few existing models, the author hope to find a common ground and fundamental things of the models. This will be very useful in preparing the author in making a model of entrepreneurship learning model himself. All data used is secondary data obtained from journals, books, articles and other written sources. Therefore, this study is a conceptual study. From the comparison and analysis of the entrepreneurship learning models chosen by the author, it can be concluded that although each model has different factors but has similarities in the purpose and process of creating a generation capable and willing to be an entrepreneur.

Keywords: entrepreneurial, learning model, conceptual study, entrepreneur

JEL Classification Codes: A22, I25

Author Biography

Charly Hongdiyanto, Ciputra University

Lecturer of International Business Management (IBM)


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