Shadowing the Hooptam Mural Art with a Theatrical Play
Hooptam, Isan mural art, Body shadow, Imaginary Body, Imagination, Michael Chekhov, Improvisation, Shadow Puppet TheatreAbstract
This research project was aimed at conveying the knowledge of Hooptam, an Isan mural art form, to young Isan performers through theatre. the young performers were drawn to the Hooptam storytelling, with its expressive characters painted on the walls of ancient Isan monasteries. the vivid impression left on the young generation creates the question, how can young amateur performers aged 19-25 understand the Hooptam mural art through a theatrical process? The hypothesis was that, the young performers may reflect their understanding of the Hooptam itself through the creation of body shadows by means of Chekhovian acting exercises involving imagination and improvisation. the method was practice as a form of research; the theatrical creation process of the body shadow theatre, performed by the amateur performers of the Ohpoh theatre troop, made up of performers brought together by pure passion for theatre, with various academic backgrounds and had no previous knowledge of Hooptam. the research was conducted in two parts in 2009 and 2011. the meaning and the context of Hooptam are clarified as the body shadow and the curtain play are being performed. The researcher and the young performers developed the theatrical form with a team of academic advisors, specialists, and Isan folk art network.
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