Bringing Human Security Strategy Framework into Inclusive Sustainability Development: Constructing an Integrated Scheme for Enriching Green Capital and Empowering Social


  • Jenn-Jaw Soong


social capital, sustainability development


Most current economic growth patterns are quite unsustainable and also deeply inefficient. Therefore, we have to change our ways and develop techniques and methods that foster sustainability. Current global capitalist development does not lead to sustainable development. ASEAN has focused upon sustainable development. Developing countries have to achieve economic growth but must also ensure that the environment is protected. Human security for all citizens is thus crucial. This includes economic, food, health, and political as well as personal security. Human security is paramount but must be people-centred, concentrating on meeting basic human needs, but not at the cost of degrading our natural surroundings. We must be environmentally conscious at all times. Economic growth must be profitable, in order to provide sustainability.  All this requires a spiritual and cultural transformation of the human race. The chief obstacles to progress are human vices, such as selfishness, greed and apathy. We will only improve things if we can overcome these tendencies.


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