Analysis of the Thai Language Learning Process of the Children of the City In the Fast Study, Volume 1

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Tach Montokarn


The study aimed to analyze the Thai Language Learning Process ofProvincial Students in a Quick Textbook 1 with an application of HRH PrinceDamrong Rajanubhab’s concept aiming at enhancing students in provincesable to read and write. The point of the study was classified into 14 issues:1) consonantreading practice consisting 2) consonant guessing practice3) reading drill in Kor Ka (ก กา) spelling 4) reading drill in mae kong (กง)5) reading drill in mae kan (กัน) 6) reading drill in mae kam (กัม) 7) reading drill in mae kaiy (กัย) 8) reading drill in mae kok (กก), kod (กด) and mae kob(กบ) 9) in high-level consonant reading 10) in medium tone consonant reading drill, 11) in low-tone consonants reading drill 12) in diphthong reading drill, 13) in reading cluster letter, and 14) spell reading practice,there were 250 words for final consonant drill. Each reading practicecontains words of intensive reading practice for quick learning in a shortperiod of time, Some chapters have few examples of reading words but are examples of words used in the student's context.

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How to Cite
Tach Montokarn. (2022). Analysis of the Thai Language Learning Process of the Children of the City In the Fast Study, Volume 1. Fa Nuea Journal, 12(2), 91–113. Retrieved from
Research Article


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