The Arrangement of ‘Lai Leb’ for Small Jazz Ensemble

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Derek Gatephrachan


The arrangement of ‘Lai Leb’ for small Jazz ensemble is inspired by its original folk melody, combining with Jazz interpretative concept of the composer. The piece features the elements of rearrangement and orchestration. The project sets out to achieve four purposes. It aims at preserving the legacy of traditional folk music while encouraging its revival in our modern society in engaging forms. It also aims at popularizing the traditional Lanna folksong by introducing them to the world’s music scene and, consequentially, expanding the horizon of musical knowledge for the benefits of various types of audience, whether it be experts or general ones.

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How to Cite
Derek Gatephrachan. (2023). The Arrangement of ‘Lai Leb’ for Small Jazz Ensemble. Fa Nuea Journal, 12(1), 21–38. Retrieved from
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