Toponyme of Naming Schools in Songkhla Primary Educational Service Area Office 2

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Jarinya Tarikanon
Sakdaphorn Chaipool
Sirinart Chuayrod
Pariyakorn Chukaew
Alisa KhumKhaiam


The purposes of this study were: 1) to study the origin of the naming language 2) to study the influence on naming and changing name 3) to study social reflection through naming; of the schools in Songkhla Primary Educational Service Area Office 2, 127 schools. The researcher used the qualitative research by collecting the school history data from the Songkhla Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 and related research papers. It was found that the origin of the language used in the naming in total of 7 languages, namely Thai, Southern Thai, Pali, Sanskrit, Pali, Sanskrit, Khmer and Malay. The naming of the school was influenced bygeography, animal name, plant name, landmark name, person name, occupation and history. In addition, factors contributing to the school name change were the status of the school, the location, the support or improvement of the school, meaning and circumstances. The issues of reflection that come from the name of the school include the history of the community, villager settlement and power of people and places influenced the naming communities and schools, including the environment, plants, animals and the livelihood system of the villagers.

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How to Cite
Jarinya Tarikanon, Sakdaphorn Chaipool, Sirinart Chuayrod, Pariyakorn Chukaew, & Alisa KhumKhaiam. (2023). Toponyme of Naming Schools in Songkhla Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. Fa Nuea Journal, 12(2), 1–31. Retrieved from
Research Article


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