An Analysis on “Depth, Serenity, Prominence and Vigour” in Zhong and Tan Style

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Sun Fuyuan
Zhang Shuhua
Yiching Saejao


The so-called Zhong and Tan Style not only refers to the characteristics and style of the poems created by Zhong Xing and Tan Yuanchun, but also sums up the poetic theory of the two poets. The comment of Depth, Serenity, Prominence and Vigourcan be applied to the former, nevertheless it is not accurate and complete to summerize the latter.Depth, Serenity, Prominence and Vigour is actually quite similar to Insinuation and Excellence pursued by Zhong Xing, which emphasizes the aesthetic appreciation of the poems in such aspects as insinuation, depth, serenity, remotenes`s, prominence and pith and is one part of the poetic theory of Zhong and Tan. To rectify the denotation of Zhong and Tan Style and the essence of the comment of Depth, Serenity, Prominence and Vigouris necessary as well as foremost to understand the references of the concept of Zhong and Tan Style and recognize its significance in the poetic history.

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How to Cite
Fuyuan, S., Shuhua, Z., & Saejao, Y. (2024). An Analysis on “Depth, Serenity, Prominence and Vigour” in Zhong and Tan Style. Fa Nuea Journal, 15(1), 117–131. Retrieved from
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