An Investigation of Graduate Students’ Vocabulary Problems in Academic Writing

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Thanawut Sreejak


Vocabulary is vital in English language learning and crucial for academic writing. However, graduate students frequently experience difficulties in employing appropriate vocabulary effectively in academic writing. This quantitative study aimed to investigate vocabulary problems in graduate students’ academic writing at a university in Thailand. Using purposive sampling, 23 Thai EFL graduate students were selected as participants. A questionnaire based on Nation's (2005) vocabulary knowledge framework was distributed to participants to investigate their vocabulary problems. Data were analyzed using Mean and Standard Deviation. Findings indicated that participants experienced difficulties across multiple aspects of vocabulary knowledge, with an overall mean score of 4.01 (agree). The most challenging areas were words with multiple meanings (average = 4.17) and words that differ in different contexts (average = 4.13). Participants also reported experiencing writing anxiety (average = 3.91). The results affirm that vocabulary poses significant problems in academic writing for graduate students. This study highlights the need for targeted vocabulary instruction and strategies to reduce writing anxiety in academic contexts.

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Sreejak, T. (2024). An Investigation of Graduate Students’ Vocabulary Problems in Academic Writing . Fa Nuea Journal, 15(2), 61–80. retrieved from
Research Article


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