The way to success of a takaful in Malaysia to be a leader of Islamic insurance.


  • Narong Hasanee Department of Economic of Money and Banking, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences Yala Islamic University


Insurance, Takaful, Malaysia, Financial, Institution


The objective of the research is to understand and examine the process ire structure of Takaful in Malaysia. The researchers also study on the possible way to success of a takaful in Malaysia to be a leader in the field of Islamic insurance. In this study, the researchers apply two research methologies which are interview and observation. By using these methologies, the researchers interview officers and observe from the following companies: Syarikat Takaful Malaysia Berhad, Takaful Nasional Sdn. Berhad, and Takaful Ikhlas Sdn. Berhad.

From the study, it can be concluded that there are 3 categories of the administration and management of Takaful system in Malaysia; Mudharabah, Wakalah, and the combination between these two, and the mail factors which lead Malaysia to be the leader of insurance are both internal and external factors. The internal factors are an awareness and understanding among the Muslims in Malaysia about Islam, and an encouragement and support from the government. The external factors are the fact that Malaysia has observed and followed the Islamic revivalism in term of economics, and the last factor is that the customers are convinced by the products and the modern administrative structure of Takaful system itself, and this factor seems to be the most important one.

            The result of this study can be applied in any insurance companies in Thailand, and it is very useful for Thai government in making monetary policy as well as an understanding on how to improve and develop the economics, especially among the Muslims in Thailand.


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How to Cite

Hasanee, N. (2018). The way to success of a takaful in Malaysia to be a leader of Islamic insurance. Al-HIKMAH Journal, 2(3), 11–30. retrieved from