

  • สุพรรษา สุวรรณชาตรี, 6852279
  • ดนุลดา จามจุรี, 6852279
  • อัจฉรา วัฒนาณรงค์, 6852279
  • มารุต พัฒผล, 6852279


หลักสูตรฝึกอบรมเน้นสมรรถนะ, ความรู้สึกไวของครู, สมรรถนะความรู้สึกไวของครู


The purposes of this research are as follows is to: 1) to develop the teacher sensitivity competency; 2) to develop a competency-based training curriculum to enchance teacher ensitivity competency; 3) to evaluate the effectiveness of a competency-based training curriculum to enchance teacher sensitivity competency. The study on Research in Research and Development (R&D) by One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design. The method is divided into three phases. Phase One: the development of teacher sensitivity competency; Phase Two: the development of a competency-based training curriculum to enchance teacher sensitivity competency; Phase Three: evaluating the effectiveness and improving competency-based training interns of curriculum to enchance the sensitivity competency of teachers has been developed. The results of the research revealed the following: 1. It consists of three competencies: positive interaction between teachers and students in the classroom, responsiveness to individual learning difference needs and capacity to scaffold the problem-solving skills of children; 2. competency-based training curriculum to enchance teacher sensitivity competency and consists of five units: Unit One, Student Learning Difference; Unit Two, Interaction within Classes. Unit Three, problem solving skills in the classroom. Unit Four Learning Design, Learning Management and classroom teaching experiments. Unit Five: Teaching Activities in Schools; 3. the effectiveness of the curriculum found the following: 1) Student teachers have higher teacher sensitivity competency scores than more established teachers and after learning rather than before learning and at a statistically significant at the .05 level; 2) Student teachers who have experience are trained in performance-oriented training to enhance the sensitivity of teachers have a passing score interns of knowledge and understanding from activities in units one to four for all the set criteria; 3) All ten student teachers have improve in the design of learning management and classroom learning activities, both from the assessments of mentors and instructors at a higher criteria. Interviews with students and mentors found that student teachers had teacher sensitivity competency in all three aspects; and 4. Student teachers who are trained in a competency-based training curriculum to enchance teacher sensitivity competency have satisfaction with the curriculum at the highest level.


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How to Cite

สุวรรณชาตรี ส., จามจุรี ด., วัฒนาณรงค์ อ., & พัฒผล ม. (2018). การพัฒนาหลักสูตรฝึกอบรมเน้นสมรรถนะเพื่อเสริมสร้างสมรรถนะความรู้สึกไวของครู. Al-HIKMAH Journal, 7(14), 9–22. retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/HIKMAH/article/view/113011