Improvement of Classroom Research Skills through Self-Directed Learning Approach: A Case Study of Graduate Students in Teaching Profession Diploma Program


  • Mayutee Duerama Lecturer, Department of Teaching Profession, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Social Science, Yala Islamic University


This study was aimed at improving students’ classroom research skills through self-directed learning approach. The sample included 34 graduate students in Teaching Profession Diploma Program of Yala Islamic University, enrolling for the Education Research Methodology and Professional Experience of 2008. The instruments were a cognitive test on education research methodology, practice exercises for classroom research and a classroom research assessment form. Data analysis was carried to discover percentages, means, standard deviations, t-test and qui-square test.

The findings indicate higher means of the cognitive test than the criterion score with the statistic significance of .01. Over fifty percents of students’ classroom research were found at a very-good scale. This signifies that the self study approach truly improves the students’ classroom research skills.    



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How to Cite

Duerama, M. (2018). Improvement of Classroom Research Skills through Self-Directed Learning Approach: A Case Study of Graduate Students in Teaching Profession Diploma Program. Al-HIKMAH Journal, 2(4), 37–44. retrieved from