Islamic world view of Balance (Al-Wustiyah): It's implication to Socio-economic, political and education.


  • รูฮานา อับดุลอาศิส สาแมง M.ed, อาจารย์ สาขาวิชาอุศุลลุดดีน คณะอิสลามศึกษา มหาวิทยาลัยอิสลามยะลา


The forth characteristic of the Islamic  concept is “Al wasatiyah / Attawazun“ which means balance proportion or moderation , which cover its foundation concept, basic element and ramifications, and which linked with the characteristic of illimitability or “Shumul“, in other word we can combine both the characteristics and call it “balanced illimitability“ . Applying the concept of balance in social, political, economic, and education will created justice in society.

In Islam, justice in this comprehensive sense is a fundamental obligation. Injustice is one of the horrified capital sins in Islam, and its perpetrator shall be required on the day of reckoning to bear the burdens of the shortcomings of his victim.

            This paper is discussing on the concept of the balance in Islamic world view, and its implication to socio-economic, political, and education. The paper  discusses the balance of compulsion and freedom, compatibility between worship and place of humanity, balance relationship between God and man, the concept of balance in education, the concept of balance and social transformation, effect of balance in epistemology, effect of balance on economic activity, the impact of concept balance on political life.

 This paper will be beneficial to reader concerning Islamic world view on concept of balance and its implication to socio-economic, political, and education, Insha  Allah .


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How to Cite

สาแมง ร. อ. (2018). Islamic world view of Balance (Al-Wustiyah): It’s implication to Socio-economic, political and education. Al-HIKMAH Journal, 2(4), 63–76. Retrieved from