Knowledge Creation in Thai SMEs: The Role of Market Environment


  • Khalid Abdul Wahid, 6852279 Kasetsart University
  • Haruthai Numprasertchai, 6852279 Kasetsart University
  • Yuraporn Sudharatna, 6852279 Kasetsart University
  • Tipparat Laohavichien, 6852279 Kasetsart University
  • Somchai Numprasertchai, 6852279 Kasetsart University


Market environment, knowledge creation, SMEs, National Innovation Agency (NIA).


The purpose of this research is to investigate the impact of market environment factors on knowledge creation in Thai SMEs. 464 questionnaires were distributed to the Thai SMEs registered under National Innovation Agency (NIA) and 217 were returned.  Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) is used to determine the effect of market environment (customer orientation, competitor orientation and supplier orientation) on knowledge creation. The results indicated that the market environment has an impact on knowledge creation. Furthermore, the findings suggest that customer orientation is the most significant influential factor on knowledge creation. This study provides an empirical analysis on the importance of market environment on knowledge creation process in SMEs and its impact on companies’ innovative knowledge outcomes.


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How to Cite

Abdul Wahid, K., Numprasertchai, H., Sudharatna, Y., Laohavichien, T., & Numprasertchai, S. (2018). Knowledge Creation in Thai SMEs: The Role of Market Environment. Al-HIKMAH Journal, 6(12), 17–34. retrieved from