منهج الزمخشري في توجيه القراءات نحويا من خلال كتابه ((المفصل))


  • ็أمة الله عبد الله, 6852279 มหาวิทยาลัยฟาฏอนี
  • مرتضى فرح علي, 6852279 มหาวิทยาลัยฟาฏอนี


Grammatically, al-Quran, al-zamakshari


         This study aims to find out Al-zamakhshari approach in orientation grammatically Quran’s readings through his book"Al-mufassal" and identify his opinion at reading and his approach in the Qiraat. The researcher followed on the study the historical approach from side and analytical and descriptive from the other, The study found a number of results including the following: Firstly -Al-zamakshari on his book (Al-mufassal) depend sixty-nine readings and he had specific method in orientation these readings and he presents some reading seventh and tenth or anomalous and these reading distributed on chapters in (Al-mufassal) as following-First section: Names’ including twenty-six reading. -Second section: Verbs’ including six readings. -Third section: Letters’ including thirteen reading. - Fourth section: The common’ including twenty-four reading’ And all of these does not related to grammar. Secondly- Al-zamakhshari the most grammarian effected by Sibawahhi and there is clear effected in writing (Al-mufassal) in the method and divisions and definitions and names of chapters’ still’ other’ as takes by Alkhaleel opinions in that the subject is the original of nominatives’ and Almubtada depends upon it’ and Sibawahhi method is contrary’ and as take by Alzjaj opinion in exclamation verb. Thirdly -The opinion of Al-zamakhshari in his book (Al-mufassal) does not different of general grammarians Quran and many readings in Quran and reject and misses and prefers denomination of readings over one’ and he hired together to proof grammar or linguistic opinion.                                                                                             


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How to Cite

عبد الله ็. ا., & فرح علي م. (2018). منهج الزمخشري في توجيه القراءات نحويا من خلال كتابه ((المفصل)). Al-HIKMAH Journal, 6(12), 159–168. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/HIKMAH/article/view/116356