Readiness for Transfers of Basic Education Of Rueso Subdistrict Administration Organization, Amphoe Rueso, Changwat Narathiwat


  • มุคตา มูซอ นักศึกษาปริญญาโท สาขาวิชาการปกครองท้องถิ่น มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแก่น


Readiness, Transfers, Basic Education.


The purposes of this study are to explore the results of operation and problems and solutions of the transference of the commercial registration jobs from Pattani Provincial Administrative Organization to the Sub-district Administrative Organizations in Tung Yang Daeng District, Pattani Province.  Qualitative data were obtained by means of in-depth interviews administered to administrative assistants of Sub-district Administrative Organizations, heads of Finance Sections, and personnel responsible in taxation and commercial registration.

Results revealed that most personnel responsible for the commercial registration did not have sufficient knowledge and understanding about the work procedure and management of the commercial registration because they were new to the jobs and the transference of the commercial registration from Pattani Provincial Administrative Organization was in haste.  There was no good preparation for the transference in advance.  Some of the personnel were new to the job. They had neither experience nor training on the jobs. This resulted in ineffective management and services. The customers had to wait for the service for a long time.

Suggested solutions to the problems were that the transference policy should be well planned and done in advance of the transference.  Notification and arrangement for the transference of the job should be made and prepared.  A survey should be done to the target Sub-district Administrative Organizations whether they were ready for the transference. Sufficient time should be allocated for the target offices of the transferred jobs so that the personnel can do the work well. The personnel appointed for the new jobs should be trained in commercial registration for the better jobs.


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How to Cite

มูซอ ม. (2018). Readiness for Transfers of Basic Education Of Rueso Subdistrict Administration Organization, Amphoe Rueso, Changwat Narathiwat. Al-HIKMAH Journal, 3(5), 61–71. Retrieved from