(تعزيز استيعاب طلبة مادة الصرف من خلال أسلوب التعلم التعاوني(دراسة وصفية تحليلية


  • إبراهيم تيه هي, 6852279 มหาวิทยาลัยฟาฏอนี


This research titled: Strengthening understanding students to Morphology lessons through cooperative learning activity(analytical and descriptive study) aims to 1) identify the impact of the use of cooperative learning method in the Morphology teaching, in order to achieve academic development of the first year students of Arabic Language Department and fourth year students of Usuluddin Department 2) enhance absorption of the two group students during the lessons of cooperative learning activities 3) reach the results which them recommendated for using cooperative learning method in teaching Morphology subject or not. The popelation of study were 18 students from two departments: the first year of Arabic Language Department and the fourth year of of Usuluddin Department, where the questionnaire is used as a tool for research.

        The researcher adopted in conducting research on the descriptive analytical method to describe the information collected and described scientifically and statistically analyze the data analysis emphasizing on the finding of the arithmetic average value and standard deviation. The research found that the students felt the usefulness of cooperative learning which it in their viewpiont was a scientific activity collectively interactive discovery what helps them to achieve and  understand a lot with a total of all grades of 4.00 arithmetic mean value, in addition to propose to use cooperative learning activities in the teaching morphology subject.


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How to Cite

تيه هي إ. (2018). (تعزيز استيعاب طلبة مادة الصرف من خلال أسلوب التعلم التعاوني(دراسة وصفية تحليلية. Al-HIKMAH Journal, 8(15), 157–167. retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/HIKMAH/article/view/167839