The Development of Thai Reading Comprehension Using an Extensive Reading Activities of Grade 6 Students in Islamic Private School


  • นูรีซะห์ วานา, 6852279 มหาวิทยาลัยรังสิต
  • ศรีสมร พุ่มสะอาด, 6852279 มหาวิทยาลัยรังสิต


Reading comprehension, Extensive reading, Extensive reading activities


The objectives of this study were to study 1) Grade 6 students’ Thai reading comprehension ability in an Islamic private school before and after using extensive reading activities, and 2) Grade 6 students’ satisfaction towards the extensive reading activities. The sample group consisted of 30 students of  Songsermsat  School  at  Pattani  Province in the first semester of academic year 2017 and they were selected by using a cluster random sampling method. The research tools were 1) 30 lessons of the extensive reading, 2) 4 lesson plans, 3) a Thai language reading comprehension test, and 4) the questionnaire regarding the satisfaction in extensive reading activities. All of the research tools were validated by 3 experts with the consistency index of Item-Objective Congruence Index (IOC) at 1.00. The test of reading comprehension had difficulty value at 0.23 – 0.80, the discrimination at 0.27 – 0.67 and reliability at 0.89.The data were collected in the teaching classes which lasted for 4 weeks or 16 hours in total. The data were analyzed using means (), standard deviation (S.D.) and t-test Dependent Samples.

The results revealed that 1) Grade 6 students’ reading comprehension ability after using extensive reading activities increased at the significant level of 0.01, and 2) the students’ satisfaction in using extensive reading activities was at a high  level  with   =  4.27.


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How to Cite

วานา น., & พุ่มสะอาด ศ. (2018). The Development of Thai Reading Comprehension Using an Extensive Reading Activities of Grade 6 Students in Islamic Private School. Al-HIKMAH Journal, 8(16), 99–107. Retrieved from