Communication in Popularity Building of Political Local Leaders


  • สิงห์ สิงห์ขจร, 6852279
  • สุภาภรณ์ ศรดี, 6852279
  • วิทยาธร ท่อแก้ว, 6852279
  • กานต์ บุญศิริ, 6852279


Communication process, Communication strategy, Popularity building, Political local


This research to study the Communication in Popularity Building of Political Local Leaders 1) characteristics of the leader 2) Communication process 3) communication strategy 4) approach to development communication.

This is a mixed methods research first’s qualitative research based on 10 local leader who ‘s Chief Executive of the PAO, Mayor and Chief Executive of the SAO . The sample is selected through purposive sampling. Data is collected using an in-depth interview form and analyzed using descriptive analysis. Second’s surveying research; population of the research is 1,200 people living in local leader area. The tool of the research is questionnaire; and data statistical analysis by using computer program, and report in frequency and percentage.

The research found that communication to popularize local political leaders 1) The characteristics of leaders must have a history of continuous public assistance. Be realistic, realistic Have fun talking. Have a friendly, easy to understand short, say the truth, speak often emphasized. Work for the collective Listen to people's stories. 2) Communication process. Must be a good planner. There are several network conferences involved in the plan. (1) Reliable carrier planning. The content that meets the needs of the people in the area and uses the local language is short, easy to understand. Most labels are used. Focus on reaching the public as much as possible. Recipients are grouped by area. (2) Organization is complex. Distributed resource management for each area equally. Communication activities focus on public communication. Directing and coordinating via mobile phones. Monitored and controlled by local political leaders and networks in the area; (3) assessment of perceptions by observing behaviors and evaluations through networks after the public meeting area. 3) Communication strategy is to create a network with continuous network coverage. Creating relationships by emphasizing the same brotherhood. Creating activities focused on continuing activities in the area. Creating awareness 4) The development of communication for the popularization of local political leaders. (1) The characteristics of the leader. speak seriously (2) The communication process is planned to meet the needs of the people, using the media in continuous communication. Distributed control operations in all areas. (3) communication strategy. Build and expand network relationships through ongoing activities to generate awareness of local political leaders.


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How to Cite

สิงห์ขจร ส., ศรดี ส., ท่อแก้ว ว., & บุญศิริ ก. (2019). Communication in Popularity Building of Political Local Leaders. Al-HIKMAH Journal, 9(18), 197–210. Retrieved from