The Roles of Majlis ilmi of Fatoni University in Propagating Islamic Sciences and Promoting Knowledge Culture Towards Community


  • Arhama Hayeesama-ae Fatoni University


Majlis Ilmi,Propagating Islamic sciences,Knowledge culture,Fatoni University


The Roles of  Majlis ilmi of  Fatoni University in Propagating Islamic Sciences
and Promoting Knowledge  Culture  Towards  Community
Arhama  Hayeesama-ea*, Abdulkarim Samaeng**
*Graduate Student, Master in Islamic Studies, Faculty of Islamic Studies and Laws,
   Fatoni University
**Ph.D.(Islamic Studies),Assist.Prof.,Faculty of Islamic Studies and Laws, Fatoni University


The objectives of the research are 1) to study the history, objectives, methods in conducting activities of  Majlis Ilmi of Fatoni University; 2) to study the roles of Majlis Ilmi  in propagating Islamic sciences towards community;  and 3) to study the roles of Majlis Ilmi in promoting  knowledge culture towards community. This study employed the descriptive method using both quantity and qualitative approaches in collecting data. The samples was included 200 participants ,selected through simple sampling, and 17 key informants included the administrative staff, lecturers of the project as well as some participants were selected through purposive sampling, The data of the study was obtained from content analysis, survey-method, non-participant observation, and in-depth interviews. The statistic used were percentage, mean, and standard deviation.

The findings revealed as the followings : 1. Majlis Ilmi of Fatoni University was established in1998, formally being under the responsibility of the Community Service, and then since 2008,it has been under charge of Assalaam Institute, Fatoni University. Its  objectives were 1) to up lift the life standard and enhance the quality of people in the region towards knowledge-based society which was rooted from Islamic education 2) to provide service to a society and to guide the society based on Islamic
teaching, and 3) to promote the Thai Educational Act 1999 concerning the manage-
ment of  informal education. Lecture Approach was  used and highest emphasized, the content of the curriculum including Tafsir, Hadith, Figh, Tauhid and knowledge about the daily life. 2.The roles of the project in propagating Islamic sciences towards community was perceived as appeared in high level. Among the four aspects, the daily life aspect was perceived as the highest aspect, followed by the Ibadah aspect, Aqidah aspect, and Akhlaq aspect.  And also the roles of the project in promoting knowledge culture towards community was perceived as appeared in high level. The aspect of knowledge culture towards the concept of life-long education was perceived as being promoted in the highest level, followed by the aspect of the concept of knowledge, the aspect of the characteristics and moral ethics of teacher and learner , and the aspect of the concept of integrated education.

Keywords : Majlis Ilmi,Propagating Islamic sciences,Knowledge culture,Fatoni University


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How to Cite

Hayeesama-ae, A. (2020). The Roles of Majlis ilmi of Fatoni University in Propagating Islamic Sciences and Promoting Knowledge Culture Towards Community . Al-HIKMAH Journal, 10(19), 41–56. Retrieved from