The Forms of Syaitan's Temptation and How to Protect Yourself from It According to the Theory and Practical of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as Shown in the Shahih Al-Bukhari


  • ฮูสนียะห์ สาและ


ท่านศาสนฑูตมุหัมมัด (ศ็อลฯ) รูปแบบการล่อลวง ชัยฏอน วิธีการป้องกันตัวเอง


The purposes of this research were to learn the forms of Syaitan's temptation and how to protect ourselves from it according to the theory and practical of The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The methodology in this research was synthesizing Hadith texts related to the forms of Syaitan's temptation, as shown in the Shahih Al-Bukhari.

The research findings were as follows:

  1. The forms of Syaitan's temptation at different stages are different; during the birth of babies, Syaitan will come and touch the baby until it makes the baby cries; during the prayer, Shaitan distracted him until he forgot to focus on prayer; during sleep, the Syaitan will come in a form that causes nightmares which make the dreamer restless.

The methods of protection from the Syaitan threat are as follows: Husbands and wives should read doa before having sex; Parents, especially fathers, should chant the Azan on newborns; During the early evening, children should not be allowed to play outside; Remember Allah while closing the door of the house; Read Ayat Al-Kursi before going to bed; When having a nightmare, spit on the left three times and read Isti’azah; After waking up, think of Allah first, then perform ablution and pray; Chant the Azan before praying; Try to control our emotion, especially the feeling of anger; But if we are angry, we should read the Isti’azah in order to suppress and release this feeling.


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How to Cite

สาและ ฮ. . (2021). The Forms of Syaitan’s Temptation and How to Protect Yourself from It According to the Theory and Practical of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as Shown in the Shahih Al-Bukhari. Al-HIKMAH Journal, 10(20), 85–94. Retrieved from



Research Article