อิมามอัชชาฟิอีย์ : การศึกษาที่มีอิทธิผลต่อแนวคิดการพัฒนาการตีความเชิงฟิกฮ์

Imam Al-Shafi’I :The study and development that influence his principles of Fiqh


  • mit20-20 darachai2020 คณะวิทยาการอิสลาม มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร์


                This article is the qualitative research which aimed to study the school of thoughts that have great influence on Imam  al shafi‘i thought relevant to jurisprudent (fiqh) approaches. Main  data of the study gained from the document study that came from the study of textbooks, researches, dissertations and other related document. Results of the study showed that there were six school of thoughts that influenced Imam al shafi ‘i ‘s jurisprudent  approaches, namely, Makah (Ibn Abbas), Madinah (Muhadithin), Yeman (Mu ath bin Jabal), Sham (Aw za’i), Egypt (al Laith bin Sa’ad), and Iraq (Ahl al Rai yi). The mentioned results also showed that  Imam  al shafi‘i had his own approach opening widely for using opinions and reasons in determining hukum and ahkam. In giving jurisprudent decision he would not solely strict on his own thought, feeling, personal relationship and interest as well as tribalism. His Fiqh has been integrated with various thoughts that is outstanding and has been widely accepting and scattering nowadays.


Keywords : Imam Shafi’i and Mathhab


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How to Cite

darachai2020, mit20- 20. (2021). อิมามอัชชาฟิอีย์ : การศึกษาที่มีอิทธิผลต่อแนวคิดการพัฒนาการตีความเชิงฟิกฮ์: Imam Al-Shafi’I :The study and development that influence his principles of Fiqh. Al-HIKMAH Journal, 10(20), 25–32. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/HIKMAH/article/view/244607



Research Article