Designing Courses that Meet the Needs of User on Teachers in Teaching Islamic Education


  • Ibbroheng Alhusain มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฎยะลา
  • เนาวรัตน์ มะลีลาเต๊ะ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฎยะลา


ออกแบบรายวิชา, ความต้องการ, ผู้ใช้ครู, การสอนอิสลามศึกษา


The purposes of this research were 1) to study the expectations and satisfaction of users of teachers in Teaching Islamic Education, 2) to find guidelines and suggestions for curriculum improvement and 3) to study courses that meet the needs of users on teachers in Teaching Islamic Education. The target group was 77 users on teachers users in the field of Teaching Islamic Education, selected by specific. The research instruments were interview form and questionnaire. The data collected were statistically analyzed by mean, percentage and standard deviation.

          The result of this research was 1. Expectations of users on teachers in Teaching Islamic Education to students, the overall was at the highest level. When sorting from the 3 highest average, first is moral and ethical, skills in interpersonal relationships and responsibilities and learning management skills respectively. As for the satisfaction of users on teachers in Teaching Islamic Education to students, the overall was at a high level. When sorting from the 3 highest average, first is skills in interpersonal relationships and responsibilities, moral and ethical and learning management skills respectively. 2. Guidelines and suggestions for curriculum improvement were 2.1 Ability to manage teaching and learning according to the subject area. The curriculum should increase knowledge and create accuracy in Islamic education content for use in teaching higher education levels. 2.2 Should add knowledge in early childhood education, special education and psychology and guidance for students in order to be consistent with the actual work performed in school. 2.3 Should provide additional training in languages ​​such as English, Arabic, etc. so that students can apply such knowledge to integrate in teaching and 3. Courses that are consistent with the needs of users on teachers in Teaching Islamic Education, consisting of Islamic Studies Courses, Early Childhood Courses, Special Education Courses and Psychology and Guidance Courses.


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How to Cite

Alhusain, I., & มะลีลาเต๊ะ เ. . (2021). Designing Courses that Meet the Needs of User on Teachers in Teaching Islamic Education . Al-HIKMAH Journal, 11(21), 27–33. Retrieved from



Research Article