The Role of Islamic religious Leader on Mediation of Criminal Disputes In Three Southernmost Provinces of Thailand


  • สุทธิศักดิ์ ดือเระ คณะวิทยาการอิสลาม มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร์ วิทยาเขตปัตตานี


Keywords: Role, Islamic religious leader, mediation, Criminal Dispute, Southernmost Provinces


This research aimed to study the role of the Islamic religious Leader on mediation of Criminal Disputes in three southernmost provinces of Thailand by using qualitative method research. The qualitative data were collected by the In-depth Interview of 15 Islamic religious leaders and university professors from three Southernmost Provinces; Pattani, Yala and Narathiwat. The key informants consisted of representatives of the Provincial Islamic Committee, Imam Kha-Thib and Bilal Society, and university professors.

            The results found that Islamic religious leaders play a very important role on mediation of Criminal Disputes in three southernmost provinces of Thailand. They applied the Islamic principles, such as Nasihat (advise), the principle of brotherhood in Islam and principle of forgiveness including the compensation, recompense and other damages and “Diyat”,.Moreover, the success factor of religious leader mediators on the criminal disputes resolution often based on the individual characteristics of the mediator. Therefore it is suggested that the government should develop the potential of Islamic religious leaders in mediation skills to settle disputes, Thai law knowledge training and support the budget for mediation management.


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How to Cite

ดือเระ ส. (2021). The Role of Islamic religious Leader on Mediation of Criminal Disputes In Three Southernmost Provinces of Thailand. Al-HIKMAH Journal, 11(21), 47–56. Retrieved from



Research Article