The construction of a model of academic leadership of students at the municipality school 4, Mueang District, Yala Province


  • จรุณี เก้าเอี้ยน มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏยะลา
  • นวรัตน์ ไวชมภู มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏยะลา
  • เสาวนิตย์ ทวีสันทรีย์นุกูล


The construction of a model, leadership, academic leadership


  The purpose of this research were 1) to study the  even condition and needs

the construction of a model of academic leadership of students at the municipality school 4, Mueang District, Yala Province. 2) to study the The construction of a model of academic leadership of students at the municipality school 4, Mueang District, Yala Province.3) the  level of  study the level of the construction of a model of academic leadership of students at the municipality school 4, Mueang District, Yala Province.

The sample group was 40 student in Elementary school students at the municipality school 4, Mueang District, Yala Province.The instrument in collecting data was questionnaire.  Data  analysis was performed with a software package, and the statistics used were percentage, standard deviation and mean analysis.

The research results were found as the follows:

  1. The even condition and needs students development of a model of academic leadership and The problem unavailability of family.

2.The overall level academic leadership of students at the municipality school 4, was at a high  level .

  1. The construction of a model of academic leadership for Vision of students at the municipality school 4, at a high level .
  2. The construction of a model of academic leadership for Creative of students at the municipality school 4, at a high level .
  3. The construction of a model of academic leadership for Leadership Kkill of students at the municipality school 4, at a high level .
  4. The construction of a model of academic leadership for Emotional intelligence of students at the municipality school 4, at a high level .

7. The construction of a model of academic leadership  for Ability to communicate of students at the municipality school 4, at a high  level


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How to Cite

เก้าเอี้ยน จ., ไวชมภู น., & ทวีสันทรีย์นุกูล เ. (2021). The construction of a model of academic leadership of students at the municipality school 4, Mueang District, Yala Province. Al-HIKMAH Journal, 11(21), 109–126. Retrieved from



Research Article