Results of Using Short Stories towards Learning Achievement on al-Hadith Subject for Primary School Students, Year 3


  • อาอีเซ๊าะ อุเซ็ง มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏยะลา


Learning Management by Using Simulated Situation, al-hadith Subject


The purposes of this research were : 1) to construct and evaluate the efficiency of teachings and learning lesson plan of using  short stories towards learning achievement on al-hadith subject for primary school students’ year 3. 2) to compare the students’  learning  achievement who  learned by using short stories towards learning achievement on al-hadith subject for primary school students, year 3 between  before instruction instruction  and after instruction. 3) to compare the students’  learning  achievement by of  using  short stories towards learning achievement on al-hadith subject for primary school students, year 3.  19 people semester 2  academic year B.E. 2563  of  ban thungriang school  yopo distrit  mueang district  yala province  . the research desigh quasi-experiment  by  using  the  pertest- posttest  control  design was employed  to attain  the students  results the research’s instruments were.  1) lesson plans for instruction  by using short stories and 5 lesson plans for instruction by  using  general  learning. 2) learning Achievement’s test, 3) questionnaire  form on Students’ satisfaction towards instruction by the both  instruction. the data was analyzed by percentage, means standard deviation

The results of the research were as follows :

  1. The efficiency of the lesson plans by using Short Stories for primary school students towards was 72.63/85.71, greater than 80/80 criteria preset.
  2. The students’ learning achievement who learned by  using Short Stories after  instruction was higher than before instruction which was considered statistically significant of 0.05
  3. The students’ satisfaction towards instruction by using Short Stories was the hight.


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How to Cite

อุเซ็ง อ. (2021). Results of Using Short Stories towards Learning Achievement on al-Hadith Subject for Primary School Students, Year 3. Al-HIKMAH Journal, 11(22), 153–164. Retrieved from



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