สภาพปัญหา ความคาดหวังและแนวทางการพัฒนาการศึกษาสถาบันศึกษาปอเนาะ สังกัดสำนักงานคณะกรรมการการส่งเสริมการศึกษาเอกชน จังหวัดสตูล


  • สุริยา หะยีเหย็บ มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร์ วิทยาเขตปัตตานี


Development Approach, Pondok Institutions


This research has the following objectives: 1) to study problems of education management at Pondok Institute Under the Office of the Private Education Promotion Commission, Satun Province 2) To study the expectations of education management at Pondok Institutes. Under the Office of the Private Education Promotion Commission, Satun Province. And 3) to study the guidelines for the development of education management at Pondok Institutes. Under the Office of the Private Education Promotion Commission, Satun Province.

                The researcher determined the sample groups and target groups in this research, consisting of 2 groups: 1) The survey samples were 18 teacher desk assistants, 45 pondok teachers and 75 pondok academies 75 representatives of parents, total 213 people, and 2) the target group interviewed were pondok academy administrators. Using a specific method of selecting 9 people the research instruments were questionnaires, valuation scales, and questionnaires. And the interview from using open-ended questions.  Analysis of data on problem conditions and expectations from questionnaires by searching for percentage, mean, and standard deviation. And data analysis on educational development guidelines at Pondok Institutes. Using content analysis methods

                 The research results were found that

  1. 1.  Problems of the Pondok Institute Under the Office of the Private Education Commission, Satun Province, there are 4 aspects as follows: environment Inputs In education management process and productivity Found that the problem of the pondok institute Under the Office of the Private Education Promotion Commission, Satun Province. In general, the problem condition is at a high level. When considering each aspect, it was found that Most of them had the problem at a high level. Sorting the problem level from descending order as follows: The educational management process was at a high level. Followed by the input factor was at a high level. And productivity was at a high level, respectively the environment. The problem is at a moderate level.
  2. 2.  Expectations of the Pondok Institute Under the Office of the Private Education Promotion Commission, Satun, there are 4 aspects as follows: environment Inputs In education management process and productivity Found that the expectations of the Pondok Institute Under the Office of the Private Education Promotion Commission, Satun Province. Overall, expectations were at a high level. When considering each aspect, it was found that Most of them had expectations at a high level the order of expectation in descending order is as follows: Inputs are highest. Followed by productivity Environment And the educational management process was at a high level, respectively
  3. 3.  Guidelines for the development of education management at Pondok Institute Under the Office of the Private Education Promotion Commission, Satun, it was found that there were guidelines for the development of education management at Pondok Institutes as follows:

                  Environment   Provide accommodation suitable for living and adequate to meet the needs of the learners. Provide school buildings that are sufficient for students Build quality utilities, provide adequate bathrooms and toilets. It is imperative that the public sector takes equal care with private, religious and government schools in all aspects of administration. Pondok institutions should plan the establishment of buildings and locations of various service points. Such as walls, boundaries, classrooms, bathrooms, cafeterias, offices and laboratories, etc. And providing opportunities for government agencies to manage and teach by facilitating with staff by setting up a working room Or work locations for each organization And strongly agreed with the teachers' table in cooperation with the State Department By providing convenience In conducting each project, coordinating and preparing for the preparation according to the project

                 Inputs Teachers and directors' desks should set a clear direction for development and comply with government policy. Government or related agencies should support the budget the government should arrange for talented teacher personnel to join with the pondok teachers' personnel to be sufficient for the learners. Pondok Institute of Education provides curriculum in accordance with the core curriculum and brings learning management materials to keep up with the current world situation and create a network with the government sector with even more private agencies to build relationships and upgrade the administration of pondok educational institutes

             Educational management process Encourage the teacher desk and an assistant teacher at the bachelor's degree level Encourage teacher personnel to participate in academic training and teaching skills. The administration of pondok institutions should be assessed as well as religious private schools. Develop an information system to be up to date. Create curriculum and learning standards for religious subjects along with professional Promote and support the use of technology in teaching and learning for students in Pondok educational institutes.

             Productivity    Compare the transfer of general knowledge to learners who have completed religious courses from the Pondok Institute of Education To study in the general line at the higher level and organizing a project to enhance vocational skills for learners to be able to pursue a career in the future


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How to Cite

หะยีเหย็บ ส. . . (2021). สภาพปัญหา ความคาดหวังและแนวทางการพัฒนาการศึกษาสถาบันศึกษาปอเนาะ สังกัดสำนักงานคณะกรรมการการส่งเสริมการศึกษาเอกชน จังหวัดสตูล. Al-HIKMAH Journal, 11(22), 219–233. retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/HIKMAH/article/view/253207



Research Article