

  • livkunupakan nirunkiat -


This action research aimed to investigate the management implemented on Betong’s chicken value chain for Deep South’s poverty reduction upstream, midstream, and downstream. Data were collected from questionnaires and semi-structured interviews with purposively selected 175 households classified as in-poverty. The data were further analyzed by descriptive statistics and a content analysis. Results revealed that the researcher supplied five pure Betong chicken breeds aged 30-45 days and 45 kilograms of chicken feed per household and organized short-term training on Betong chicken farming as upstream interventions. The midstream intervention was conducted in two phases. In Phase 1, the households in poverty were assessed to determine their capacities in raising Betong chickens by applying knowledge obtained from the training into practice. Consequently, 100 households passed the assessment as Betong chickens had a survival rate of 40%. In Phase 2, the households were required to raise 15 Betong chickens as an occupation while receiving support for chicken house equipment and 135 kilograms of chicken feed. As a result, 93.67% of Betong chickens survived while these households earned increased revenues averaging 3,075 baht. For the downstream intervention, the researcher discussed an idea of market expansion with business operators to negotiate for a sale of Betong chickens at the price range of 100-110 baht per kilogram to help Deep South households generate higher revenues.


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How to Cite

nirunkiat, livkunupakan. (2022). การจัดการห่วงโซ่คุณค่าการเลี้ยงไก่เบตงเพื่อลดความยากจนในพื้นที่สามจังหวัดชายแดนใต้. Al-HIKMAH Journal, 12(23), 15–31. retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/HIKMAH/article/view/254547



Research Article